Top "Quartus" questions

For questions about Quartus, a software tool developed by Altera / Intel to assist in the design, analysis, and synthesis of HDL designs, including FPGA and CPLD.

Altera Quartus Error (12007): Top-level design entity "alt_ex_1" is undefined

I've looked at all the previous questions and no one seems to have a problem as simple as mine. Also …

vhdl intel-fpga quartus
In Verilog, I'm trying to use $readmemb to read .txt file but it only loads xxxxx (dont cares) on memory

I need to load a memory with some data originally in binary. I read that $readmemb can be use for …

memory verilog quartus test-bench
How to assign pins in Quartus II

We are looking at moving some code into a CPLD or FPGA in order to make it faster. I have …

vhdl intel-fpga quartus
ModelSim-Altera error

I'm using Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS with Altera Quartus 15.0 web-edition and I'm having a hard time simulate my design due to …

linux licensing modelsim intel-fpga quartus
Net, which fans out, cannot be assigned more than one value

I am trying to design an 8-bit multiplier based on 4-bit multiplier. so this is my code: module _8bit_multiply(…

verilog quartus digital-design
How to generate .rbf files in Altera Quartus?

What are .rbf files and how can i generate them from the Quartus output file .sof on windows ?

fpga intel-fpga quartus
How do I make Quartus II compile faster

I'm using Altera Quartus 2 to do a custom 8 bit processor and it takes forever to compile on my laptop. I'm …

vhdl quartus
wait statement must contain condition clause with UNTIL keyword

The following VHDL is to be used to test bench. I keep getting an error on the first wait statement …

vhdl intel-fpga quartus
Object is used but not declared?

I have the following VHDL code, its a entity of a project: library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; library …

vhdl quartus
Cannot open shared object file

I am trying to run Quartus 13.0 in the following machine: parrot 4.18.0-parrot10-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.18.10-1parrot10 (2018-10-06) x86_64 …

shared-libraries libpng quartus debian-based parrot-os