VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) is a language used in electronic design to describe digital systems such as FPGA (field-programmable gate arrays) and IC (integrated circuits).
Hey I was wondering if it was at all possible in VHDL to AND two STD_LOGIC_VECTORS together. For …
controller vhdl vgaI'm trying to create a reusable barrel shifter; it takes an input array of bits and shifts them a certain …
generics vhdlFor example, I have a vector which length is 10. How can I initialize it in hex. (The synthesize tool complains …
initialization vhdl stdvectorI suddenly realized that there is no Altera Quartus or Xilins ISE or ModelSim on Mac OS X. What do …
macos simulation vhdl digital-logicIs there a good IDE to work with VHDL projects ? Or are most of the professionals working with emacs/vim/…
ide vhdlI'm having trouble doing something like b(0 to 7) <= a(7 downto 0) when I compile it with ghdl, I have an …
vhdlCould someone please explain me how VHDL's to_unsigned works or confirm that my understanding is correct? For example: C(30 …
type-conversion vhdl unsigned twos-complement signed-integerIt seems like I have done this plenty of times, but for some reason today it just doesn't want to …
vhdlI'm using the textbook "VHDL: Programming By Example" by Douglas L Perry, Fourth Edition. He gave an example of the …
vhdl dataflowI'm writing VHDL code for a d-flip-flop on Modelsim and I get an error when I try to simulate it: …
vhdl modelsim