Could someone please explain me how VHDL's to_unsigned works or confirm that my understanding is correct? For example:
C(30 DOWNTO 0) <= std_logic_vector (to_unsigned(-30, 31))
Here is my understanding:
is for converting between different types:
signal i : integer := 2;
signal u : unsigned(3 downto 0);
u <= i; -- Error, incompatible types
u <= to_unsigned(i, 4); -- OK, conversion function does the right thing
If you try to convert a negative integer, this is an error.
u <= to_unsigned(-2, 4); -- Error, does not work with negative numbers
If you simply want to invert an integer, i.e. 2 becomes -2, 5 becomes -5, just use the -
u <= to_unsigned(-i, 4); -- OK as long as `i` was negative or zero
If you want the absolute value, a function for this is provided by the numeric_std
u <= to_unsigned(abs(i), 4);