Top "Textures" questions

Textures are series of images used in computer graphics to associate locations on a visible surface with varying values.

Purpose of mipmaps for 2D sprites?

In current Unity, For use in Unity.UI as conventional UI .. for any "Sprite (2D and UI)", in fact it …

unity3d textures sprite mipmaps unity3d-ui
How to disable three.js to resize images in power of two?

three.js automatically resizes the texture image, if it is not power of two. In my case am using a …

three.js textures
DDS texture loading

How would I load a dds texture file into an OpenGL 2dtexture or cube map texture?

c++ opengl textures directdraw
openGL invert textures orientation during pixel-transfer?

as we all know, openGL uses a pixel-data orientation that has 0/0 at left/bottom, whereas the rest of the world (…

opengl textures
How to use OpenGL Array Texture?

I am trying to use sprite sheet in OpenGL, implementing it through Array Texture This is how I load my …

opengl textures texture2d
How to use OpenGL LOD in Texturing?

How do GL_TEXTURE_MIN_LOD, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LOD and LOD_BIAS work? To check it visually, i have …

opengl textures texture-mapping
MeshLab: How to import XYZRGB file

When I import and XYZRGB (that I generate programatically), MeshLab renders the point-cloud, but the colors are missing. How can …

colors textures meshlab
Compiling OpenGL SOIL on Mac OS X

How would I link in or compile SOIL ( into my C++ OpenGL project on Mac …

opengl graphics textures soil
How to remove gaps between tiled textures?

I'm using LibGDX to make a platformer. I'm using square tiles for the platforms but when they are drawn some …

java libgdx textures sprite tile
How to programmatically alpha fade a textured object in OpenGL ES 1.1 (iPhone)

I've been using OpenGL ES 1.1 on the iPhone for 10 months, and in that time there is one seemingly simple task …

iphone opengl fade textures alpha