Top "Tile" questions

Patterns of identical shapes that have no gaps.

How to draw lots of bitmaps on screen in an Android game without slow performance

I want to make a tile based game for android. At the moment I am drawing each tile as a …

android tile
Convert a single large image overlay to tiles for Google Maps

I have a large high-resolution image that I am using for an overlay using Google Maps v3 API. This works …

google-maps google-maps-api-3 tile
render a tile map using javascript

I'm looking for a logical understanding with sample implementation ideas on taking a tilemap such as this: http://thorsummoner.github.…

javascript html5-canvas render tile createjs
Repeat drawable in imageview?

Is it possible to repeat a drawable in an ImageView? I manage to repeat my drawable as a divider in …

android imageview drawable tile
2D tile map generation

I'm developing a 2D tile engine and at this moment I'm working on map generation algorithms. I tried the basic …

algorithm 2d tile procedural-generation
Java: What is a good data structure for storing a coordinate map for an infinite game world?

I am used to coding in PHP but I am not really proficient with Java and this has been a …

java map tile coordinate
how do i use image sprites in GWT?

I was trying to use a tiled image in an image resource, and i was refering to the GWT tutorial …

css image gwt tile
Google Maps API V3 - Custom Tiles

I am currently working on Google Maps API V3 over here If you zoom between 21 to 23, there will be an …

google-maps-api-3 imagemap tile maptiler
How to join two images into one with FFmpeg?

There are two images: a.jpg and b.jpg. I just want to know how to join them into one …

ffmpeg tile
Android App Background: using multiple images

I have a background image that's split into three separate images: backgroundTop.png backgroundMiddle.png backgroundBottom.png How would I …

android background styles tile app-themes