Top "Tile" questions

Patterns of identical shapes that have no gaps.

Generate Tile Map from array

I've been thinking about trying to create a RPG game, a simple game with movement, pick up items, and open …

c# enums tile
Pin program to start menu using PS in Windows 10

I am trying to pin a program to the start menu in Windows 10 $shell = New-Object -ComObject "Shell.Application" $Folder = $shell.…

powershell windows-10 tile startmenu
Write a 2D Array on a JFrame java

So i was wondering I'm new to java but I know my way around it but I wanted to make …

java arrays swing multidimensional-array tile
How to change base layer using JS and leaflet layers control

I have to modify existing application, where leaflet layers control is used - I need to display one of the …

controls leaflet layer tile
Reading JSON Tiled map editor file and displaying to canvas

Im following this this tutorial to be able to load json map files created by tiled map editor in my …

javascript json canvas map tile
Using ImageMagick to repeat or "tile" an image

How do I tile an image using ImageMagick? I don't think I can use montage because I want the columns …

image imagemagick tile montage
Efficient 2D Tile based lighting system

What is the most efficient way to do lighting for a tile based engine in Java? Would it be putting …

java 2d tile lighting
How to remove gaps between tiled textures?

I'm using LibGDX to make a platformer. I'm using square tiles for the platforms but when they are drawn some …

java libgdx textures sprite tile
How to render an isometric tile-based world in Python?

I'm having a bit of trouble rendering an isometric 2D tile-based world using Python and Pygame with the following code: …

python pygame render tile isometric