Top "Lighting" questions

Related to computer games' engines and 3d graphics software.

Realistic lighting (sunlight) with Three.js?

I'm attempting to create a small 1st-person game using Three.js, but I'm having trouble with the lighting. Basically I …

three.js lighting
How to correct uneven illumination in images using MATLAB?

I am performing feature detection in a video using MATLAB. The lighting condition varies in different parts of the video, …

matlab image-processing computer-vision lighting
How do I fixate a light source in OpenGL while rotating an object?

I have a glutSolidTeapot (which has its surface normals generated automatically according to and a light source which …

opengl lighting
Libgdx light without box2d

I just started creating a game using libgdx. It is a top down 2d shooter using scene2d ui. Now …

java libgdx box2d lighting box2dlights
How can I make a ball of light in openGL?

I'm trying to make a orb of light (Like a sun) but I can't seem to make it visible at …

java c++ opengl lighting
How to transform directional light to camera space in GLSL

I have the following GLSL code for lighting: uniform vec3 lightDir; // Parallel light uniform float ambient; uniform vec3 lightColour; void …

opengl transform glsl lighting uniform
Sun as a light source using opengl and c++

I am working on the solar system and I am trying to get the sun to be the central light …

c++ opengl lighting
Rotate Normals in Shader

I have a scene with several models with individual positions and rotations. Given normals, the shaders apply simple bidirectional lighting …

glsl shader lighting vertex-shader normals
Improved Area Lighting in WebGL & ThreeJS

I have been working on an area lighting implementation in WebGL similar to this demo:…

math 3d three.js webgl lighting
OpenGL lights limit

As I was reading RedBook I stayed quite confused, that openGL can have maximum 8 lights in scene (number depending on …

opengl lighting