Top "Createjs" questions

A suite of Javascript libraries and tools for building rich, interactive experiences with HTML5.

render a tile map using javascript

I'm looking for a logical understanding with sample implementation ideas on taking a tilemap such as this: http://thorsummoner.github.…

javascript html5-canvas render tile createjs
How can I set the z-index of EaselJS Graphics and Shapes

I have EaselJS Shapes on the canvas and then I start drawing Graphics each tick. At the moment the graphics …

animation canvas vector-graphics easeljs createjs
Using touch events with Createjs / Easeljs

I'm trying to use touch events with Createjs / Easeljs objects. For example, I'm trying to attach a touchstart and touchmove …

javascript canvas easeljs createjs
LimeJS vs CreateJS for game development

I want to start developing HTML5/JS games. And I see these 2 frameworks LimeJS and CreateJS & EaselJS. Which one …

easeljs createjs limejs
Center text in a container (EaselJS)

I am new to EaselJS and I am trying to create a colored container with a centered text. This is …

javascript canvas easeljs createjs
How to draw a polygon using EaselJS?

There are Shape.graphic methods to draw circles and rectangles easily, but no obvious method to draw polygons such as …

javascript html canvas createjs easeljs
How should I create a responsive canvas with createJs to adapt different mobile device's screens?

I want to develop a html5 mobile game. As you know, the screens of mobile devices are different size, so …

html canvas responsive-design createjs
Z-Index positioning with CreateJS

I'm trying to set the z-index for my line Graphic(). I'm trying to set the line to be always behind …

html canvas easeljs createjs
CreateJS Radial gradient with matrix

I'm converting a Flash application to HTML5 Canvas. Most of the development is finished but for handling the colors there …

html flash canvas html5-canvas createjs
duplicating objects with easeljs

I keep having problems trying to reuse elements using the easeljs library. Whether I use the clone() method, where I …

html easeljs createjs