Top "Html5-canvas" questions

Canvas is an HTML element that allows for dynamic, scriptable rendering of 2D shapes, 3D shapes, bitmap images and animations in both 2D and 3D.

How to clear the canvas for redrawing

After experimenting with composite operations and drawing images on the canvas I'm now trying to remove images and compositing. How …

javascript html canvas html5-canvas composite
Resize HTML5 canvas to fit window

How can I automatically scale the HTML5 <canvas> element to fit the page? For example, I can get …

javascript html html5-canvas
How to save a PNG image server-side, from a base64 data string

I'm using Nihilogic's "Canvas2Image" JavaScript tool to convert canvas drawings to PNG images. What I need now is to …

php javascript base64 html5-canvas
How to save an HTML5 Canvas as an image on a server?

I'm working on a generative art project where I would like to allow users to save the resulting images from …

javascript php ajax html5-canvas
Resize image with javascript canvas (smoothly)

I'm trying to resize some images with canvas but I'm clueless on how to smoothen them. On photoshop, browsers etc.. …

javascript html image canvas html5-canvas
Tainted canvases may not be exported

I want to save my canvas to a img. I have this function: function save() { document.getElementById("canvasimg").style.border = "2…

javascript html5-canvas
HTML5 Canvas background image

I'm trying to place a background image on the back of this canvas script I found. I know it's something …

html canvas html5-canvas computer-science
How to show a running progress bar while page is loading

I want to show a running progress bar while my page is loading like here, in my page. I used …

javascript jquery css html5-canvas
JS Client-Side Exif Orientation: Rotate and Mirror JPEG Images

Digital camera photos are often saved as JPEG with an EXIF "orientation" tag. To display correctly, images need to be …

javascript rotation html5-canvas exif
HTML5 Canvas Rotate Image

jQuery('#carregar').click(function() { var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); var image = document.getElementById('image'); var element = canvas.getContext("2d"); …

html image canvas rotation html5-canvas