how do i use image sprites in GWT?

Salvin Francis picture Salvin Francis · Dec 26, 2010 · Viewed 16.3k times · Source

I was trying to use a tiled image in an image resource, and i was refering to the GWT tutorial for it...

one section says you need to use sprites:

repeatStyle is an enumerated value that is used in combination with the@sprite directive to indicate that the image is intended to be tiled

so, now i need to add a sprite directive .. Where ? researching about sprites, i came here:

The example dictates the creation of two files :

  1. MyCssResource
  2. MyResources

where would I write this :

@sprite .mySpriteClass {gwt-image: "imageAccessor"; other: property;}


some more quotes for reference:

@sprite is sensitive to the FooBundle in which the CSSResource is declared; a sibling ImageResource method named in the @sprite declaration will be used to compose the background sprite.


Jason Terk picture Jason Terk · Dec 28, 2010

From what you've written I'm going to presume that MyResources is an interface that extends ClientBundle and MyCssResources is an interface that extends CssResource:

interface MyResources extends ClientBundle {
  @ImageOptions(repeatStyle = RepeatStyle.BOTH)
  ImageResource myImage();

  MyCssResource myCss();

interface MyCssResource extends CssResource {
  String myBackground();

So now there are two ways to use the ImageResource obtained from MyResources. The first is to attach it to a CSS rule using the @sprite directive. myCss.css:

@sprite .myBackground {
  gwt-image: "myImage";
  /* Additional CSS rules may be added. */

Then, anything with the myBackground class will have myImage as its background. So, using UiBinder, for example:

<ui:UiBinder> <!-- Preamble omitted for this example. -->
  <ui:with field="myResources" type="com.mycompany.MyResources"/>

  <g:FlowPanel styleName="{myResources.myCss.myBackground}"/>

One can also instantiate Image objects directly using the defined ImageResource. UiBinder:

<ui:UiBinder> <!-- Preamble omitted for this example. -->
  <ui:with field="myResources" type="com.mycompany.MyResources"/>

  <g:Image resource="{myResources.myImage}"/>

Without UiBinder:

MyResources myResources = GWT.create(MyResources.class);
Image myImage = new Image(myResources.myImage());