Top "Texture2d" questions

How can I pass multiple textures to a single shader?

I am using freeglut, GLEW and DevIL to render a textured teapot using a vertex and fragment shader. This is …

opengl glsl texture-mapping texture2d opengl-2.0
Making a Texture2D readable in Unity via code

I have some AssetBundles that I want to convert to .png image files. They are Texture2D assets, but the …

c# unity3d texture2d
Resize and Load a texture2d in XNA

i'm a newbie in XNA just in case. What i try to do is load a texture in a different …

c# xna texture2d downsize
Unity c#, take screenshot and save to file as jpg

I am trying to Take a screencapture and save it to a file in jpg format. I am following this …

c# android ios unity3d texture2d
What is the correct Resource.Load path?

I'm trying to load a Texture2D (.png) resource using Resource.Load. I've tried following path patterns: Assets/CaseSensitivePath/TextureName …

c# unity3d texture2d
Is there a fast alternative to creating a Texture2D from a Bitmap object in XNA?

I've looked around a lot and the only methods I've found for creating a Texture2D from a Bitmap are: …

c# xna bitmap texture2d
Texture memory-tex2D basics

While using texture memory I have come across the following code:- uint f = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x; …

cuda texture2d
Android GLSurfaceView glTexImage2D glDrawTexiOES

I'm trying to render a 640x480 RGB565 image using OpenGL ES on Android using GLSurfaceView and Native C code. Initially …

android opengl-es textures android-ndk texture2d
How to switch the image of a CCSprite

I have a CCSprite that is initialized using [CCSprite spriteWithSpriteFrameName:@"plist_file_key_here.png"]. I have already added all …

cocos2d-iphone ccsprite texture2d
c++ Directx11 capture screen and save to file

i've got problem with saving texture2d to file, it always gives me black image. Here is code: HRESULT hr = …

c++ save screenshot directx-11 texture2d