Top "Ccsprite" questions

CCSprite is a 2D image that is integrated into a larger scene in cocos2d, which normally represents a character or object in a cocos2d game.

how to obtain a CCSprite's width and height in cocos2d for iphone

That's the question xD Given an instance of a CCSprite in cocos2d in iphone, what method can I use …

iphone sprite dimensions ccsprite
How to differentiate between iphone4 and iphone 3

I am trying to build a game for the iphone using cocos2d engine. I wanted to know how can …

ios ccsprite
How to swap the sprite in the CCSprite object in Cocos2d-X

I have an object that inherited from CCSprite. I want from inside this object to change the image. How do …

ccsprite cocos2d-x
How to switch the image of a CCSprite

I have a CCSprite that is initialized using [CCSprite spriteWithSpriteFrameName:@"plist_file_key_here.png"]. I have already added all …

cocos2d-iphone ccsprite texture2d
Getting and setting the RGB / RGBA value of a pixel in a CCSprite (cocos2d-x)

Why do I need this? Basically I need to turn a color image into gray-scale. Including a gray-scale version of …

rgb ccsprite grayscale rgba cocos2d-x