Top "Quaternions" questions

Unit quaternions are a mathematical representation of 3D rotations.

Quaternion to Euler angles algorithm - How to convert to 'Y = Up' and between handedness?

I have an algorithm for converting between a Quaternion and Euler angles. public static Vector3 ToEulerAngles(this Quaternion q) { // Store …

c# math quaternions
Three.js Object3d cylinder rotation to align to a vector

I have searched far and wide, but can't seem to figure this pretty basic thing out. I have seen other …

javascript rotation three.js quaternions
How to update quaternion based on 3d gyro data?

I've got an initial quaternion , q0. And I get angular velocity measurments, I integrate the the velocities so I got 3 …

orientation velocity quaternions gyroscope
How to animate the camera in three.js to look at an object?

In Three.js, I would like to have the camera looking at an object in the scene, and when I …

rotation three.js quaternions
dot product of two quaternion rotations

I understand that the dot (or inner) product of two quaternions is the angle between the rotations (including the axis-rotation). …

java math rotation quaternions dot-product
Quaternions -> Euler Angles -> Rotation Matrix trouble (GLM)

I'm writing a program that loads a file containing a scene description and then displays it using OpenGL. I'm using …

c++ math quaternions euler-angles glm-math
Gravity Compensation in Accelerometer Data

Given an Accelerometer with 9 DOF (Accelerometer, Gyroscope and Magnetometer) I want to remove/compensate the effect of the gravity in …

math accelerometer gravity quaternions
Direction vector from Quaternion?

I have a Quaternion representing the rotation of a 3D characters upper arm. I also have a line that is …

vector 3d rotation quaternions
Is Yaw, Pitch and Roll respectively the same thing as Heading, Pitch and Bank?

I have two different systems (Engine A, Engine B). Engine A (Motive Tracking Software) generates (Yaw, Pitch, Roll) and Engine …

rotation terminology quaternions cinema-4d
How to rotate a GLM quaternion correctly?

I want to rotate my car by 90 degrees to the left in the game I have. When I use this …

c++ rotation transformation quaternions glm-math