Top "Gravity" questions

How set the android:gravity to TextView from Java side in Android

I can use android:gravity="bottom|center_horizontal" in xml on a textview to get my desired results, but I …

android android-layout textview gravity
Android center view in FrameLayout doesn't work

I have a FrameLayout in which I have 2 controls: - a custom view which draws a image and some text …

android android-layout android-framelayout gravity
Android Support Design TabLayout: Gravity Center and Mode Scrollable

I am trying to use the new Design TabLayout in my project. I want the layout to adapt to every …

android android-5.0-lollipop material-design gravity
Is it possible to specify multiple gravity values in spinner item custom_style.xml?

I have textview.xml, which is the item style for spinners. <TextView xmlns:android="…

android android-layout gravity
Setting of ImageView's gravity to the center in android programmatically

I want to set the gravity of an array of Imageviews,ImageIcons[i] to the center with the following code, …

android center dynamic android-imageview gravity
Center text android button

My question is very simple. How do I center the text on a button in android? I tried to set …

android gravity
What is the difference between "gravity" and "acceleration" sensors in Android?

What is the difference between gravity and acceleration sensors in Android? From my point of view the physical value is …

android accelerometer android-sensors gravity
Set gravity of a View Programmatically

Im working on a View over Android Source Code. I was wondering how can we setup multiple gravities, to a …

java android view gravity
Android - Center Textview in LinearLayout

I am trying to center a TextView in a LinearLayout and it is centering horizontaly but not vertically. below is …

android xml textview gravity
What is exact difference between gravity and layout_gravity

Possible Duplicate: Android - gravity and layout_gravity I have been working on android xml's. I have used android:layout_…

android xml gravity layout-gravity