Top "Android-sensors" questions

Android-sensors tag unites questions that are connected with different hardware sensors that are embedded into Android devices (barometer, accelerometer, magnetometer, microphone, camera and so on)

How do I find out if the GPS of an Android device is enabled

On an Android Cupcake (1.5) enabled device, how do I check and activate the GPS?

android gps android-sensors android-1.5-cupcake
How is it possible that Google Fit app measures number of steps all the time without draining battery?

The Google Fit app, when installed, measures the duration you are walking or running, and also the number of steps …

android gps accelerometer android-sensors google-fit
getSystemServices is undefined when called in a Fragment?

I want TextViews to display the sensors readings in a Fragment. When trying to initialize the SensorManager the getSystemServices is …

android android-fragments android-sensors
How to access Galaxy S5 temperature sensor?

In the manual on the page 19 there is an info on temperature sensor in S5. Temperature and Humidity sensor allows …

android android-sensors galaxy temperature
What is the difference between "gravity" and "acceleration" sensors in Android?

What is the difference between gravity and acceleration sensors in Android? From my point of view the physical value is …

android accelerometer android-sensors gravity
How to use Accelerometer to measure distance for Android Application Development

I am just a beginner in the application development industry. I know the accelerometer can be used to return the …

android accelerometer android-sensors
Get device angle by using getOrientation() function

I was using Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION to determine current angle of device but TYPE_ORIENTATION is deprecated on API version 8. …

android orientation sensors android-sensors sensormanager
Calculating distance using Linear acceleration android

Possible Duplicate: Android accelerometer accuracy (Inertial navigation) I am using the following code to calculate the distance. tnew and anew …

android accelerometer android-sensors
extract yaw, pitch, and roll from a rotationMatrix

I have a sensor manager that returns a rotationMatrix based on the devices Magnetometer and Accelerometer. I have been trying …

android android-sensors rotational-matrices
How to make an accurate compass on android

my android application shows the direction of a particular place in the world and therefore in needs to get the …

android orientation compass-geolocation android-sensors