Top "Sensormanager" questions

Get device angle by using getOrientation() function

I was using Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION to determine current angle of device but TYPE_ORIENTATION is deprecated on API version 8. …

android orientation sensors android-sensors sensormanager
Pedometer (Step Counter)

I am developing a Pedometer Android application to count number of steps taken and using the steps calculate the distance …

android sensormanager pedometer
Turn off screen programmatically when face is close the screen on Android

My app is a dialer and when user holding the phone near his head I need to turn screen off …

android screen android-sensors sensormanager
Android SensorManager strange how to remapCoordinateSystem

API Demos -> Graphics -> Compass It works properly only, until you don't change the device natural orientation. …

android screen-orientation device-orientation sensormanager
Galaxy s3 has Temperature sensor?

I am creating a thermometer app in android when I test on Galaxy S3 it shows that TYPE_AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE …

android android-sensors temperature sensormanager
Inconsistent orientation sensor values on Android for azimuth/yaw and roll

I’m having trouble getting good orientation sensor readings. The sensor readings seemed unreliable, so I tested my code against …

android orientation android-sensors sensormanager
Android Compass Bearing

I am trying to get the compass bearing in degrees (i.e. 0-360) using the following method: float[] mGravity; float[] …

android magnetometer sensormanager
How to detect my screen orientation in portrait locked screen in android?

I want to find the camera screen orientation in locked portrait orientation mode, well I am using camera in my …

android screen-orientation sensormanager
How to know if my SensorManager has a registered Sensor

I'm using a sensor for my Android Application. I register the sensor with a line of code: mySensorManager.registerListener(this, …

android listener registration sensors sensormanager
getSensorList() vs. getDefaultSensor() in Android SensorManager

I'm writing a game for Android and want to be able to use the accelerometer for input. I see two …

android sensors sensormanager