Top "Rotational-matrices" questions

Rotational Matrices, also called direction cosine matrices, are matrices that represent a rotation from one coordinate frame to another in Euclidean space.

Why are quaternions used for rotations?

I'm a physicist, and have been learning some programming, and have come across a lot of people using quaternions for …

matrix 3d quaternions rotational-matrices
extract yaw, pitch, and roll from a rotationMatrix

I have a sensor manager that returns a rotationMatrix based on the devices Magnetometer and Accelerometer. I have been trying …

android android-sensors rotational-matrices
Roll pitch and yaw from Rotation matrix with Eigen Library

I need to extract the roll pitch yaw angles from a rotation matrix and I want to be sure that …

c++ matrix eigen rotational-matrices euler-angles
Three.js: Show world coordinate axes in corner of scene

This is probably a very basic problem, but I haven't found a solution yet and it's been bugging me. I'd …

three.js coordinate-systems rotational-matrices matrix-inverse
Rotating a NxN matrix in Java

This is a question from Cracking the Coding Interview. The solution says that the program rotates the exterior edges, then …

java matrix rotational-matrices
Converting OpenCV rotation and translation vectors to XYZ rotation and XYZ position

There are Google results and stackoverflow posts that appear to answer this question, but the simple fact is I can't …

c++ opencv rotation rotational-matrices
How do axis-angle rotation vectors work and how do they compare to rotation matrices?

I'm having a bit of trouble understanding how axis-angle rotation vectors are used when rotating a vector in 3D space. …

matlab matrix linear-algebra rotational-matrices
Shear Matrix as a combination of basic transformation?

I know the transformation matrices for rotation, scaling, translation etc. I also know the matrix for shear transformation. Now, I …

matrix graphics linear-algebra transformation rotational-matrices
Calculate rotation matrix to align two vectors in 3D space?

I have two separate vectors of 3D data points that represent curves and I'm plotting these as scatter data in …

python python-2.7 numpy 3d rotational-matrices
How do I rotate a 3D matrix by 90 degrees counterclockwise?

I'm trying to rotate a matrix counterclockwise by 90 degrees in Java. I found answers on how to do this with …

java matrix rotation rotational-matrices