Top "Euler-angles" questions

The Euler angles are three angles introduced by Leonhard Euler to describe the 3D orientation of a rigid body.

How to calculate the angle from rotation matrix

I am using two image of the single object the object is roated certain degree from its first image. I …

c++ opencv computer-vision euler-angles
How to convert direction vector to euler angles?

I'm looking for a way to convert direction vector (X,Y,Z) into Euler angles (heading, pitch, bank). I know …

math geometry euler-angles
Euler to Quaternion / Quaternion to Euler using Eigen

I'm trying to implement a functionality that can convert an Euler angle into an Quaternion and back "YXZ"-convention using …

c++ eigen quaternions euler-angles
Euler angle to Quaternion then Quaternion to euler angle

I'm using lib glm ( for test quaternion but I've a problem; when I convert euler angle …

c++ math rotation quaternions euler-angles
Euler angles between two 3d vectors

How do you find the 3 euler angles between 2 3D vectors? When I have one Vector and I want to get …

math vector 3d geometry euler-angles
Rotation in Unity3D

This is a simplified code from what I'm trying to do: var angle = 1.57; if ( this.transform.rotation.y > angle ){ …

rotation transform unity3d euler-angles
Calculate rotations to look at a 3D point?

I need to calculate the 2 angles (yaw and pitch) for a 3D object to face an arbitrary 3D point. These …

math 3d rotation angle euler-angles
Roll pitch and yaw from Rotation matrix with Eigen Library

I need to extract the roll pitch yaw angles from a rotation matrix and I want to be sure that …

c++ matrix eigen rotational-matrices euler-angles
Conversion euler to matrix and matrix to euler

I'm trying to convert a 3D rotation described in term of euler angles into a matrix and then back, using .…

c# math matrix 3d euler-angles
Conversion between Euler <=> Quaternion like in Unity3d engine

I've used two examples (from this site too), but results are not the same as those that said Unity. Quaternion.…

c# math unity3d quaternions euler-angles