Top "Euler-angles" questions

The Euler angles are three angles introduced by Leonhard Euler to describe the 3D orientation of a rigid body.

Is there an algorithm for converting quaternion rotations to Euler angle rotations?

Is there an existing algorithm for converting a quaternion representation of a rotation to an Euler angle representation? The rotation …

language-agnostic math animation quaternions euler-angles
Quaternions -> Euler Angles -> Rotation Matrix trouble (GLM)

I'm writing a program that loads a file containing a scene description and then displays it using OpenGL. I'm using …

c++ math quaternions euler-angles glm-math
Transform Image using Roll-Pitch-Yaw angles (Image rectification)

I am working on an application where I need to rectify an image taken from a mobile camera platform. The …

matlab opencv image-processing image-rotation euler-angles
Euler angles vs. Quaternions - problems caused by the tension between internal storage and presentation to the user?

Quaternions are arguably an appropriate choice for representing object rotations internally. They are simple and efficient to interpolate and represent …

user-interface animation 3d quaternions euler-angles
Convert yaw, pitch AND roll to x,y,z vector in world coordinates

I'm working on some simple 3d graphics in OpenGL (java LWGJL), and I'm trying to figure out how to convert …

opengl 3d camera lwjgl euler-angles
Rotation matrix to euler angles with opencv

I am working on a project wich involves Aruco markers and opencv. I am quite far in the project progress. …

opencv rotational-matrices euler-angles
Find x,y,z rotation between two normal vectors

I have two squares in 3D space. I want to find the x,y,z angles between them. I started …

c# math xna euler-angles