Top "Glm-math" questions

GLM is a C++ math library designed to mimic the OpenGL Shading Language's math functions and types (vectors, matrices) as closely as possible.

glm rotate usage in Opengl

I am rendering a cone, and I would like to rotate it, 90 degrees anti-clockwise, so that the pointy end faces …

c++ opengl glm-math
Understanding glm::lookAt()

I am following a tutorial to learn OpenGL in which they used glm::lookAt() function to build a view but …

c++ opengl glm-math
How do I print vector values of type glm::vec3 that have been passed by reference?

I have a small obj loader and it takes two parameters and passes them back to the input variables.. however …

c++ glm-math
glm::perspective explanation

I am trying to understand what the following code does: glm::mat4 Projection = glm::perspective(35.0f, 1.0f, 0.1f, 100.0f); Does …

opengl glm-math
How to initialize a glm::mat4 with an array?

I'm using the OpenGL Mathematics Library ( and want to initialize a glm::mat4 with a float-array. float …

c++ opengl math glm-math
Multiplying a matrix and a vector in GLM (OpenGL)

I have a transformation matrix, m, and a vector, v. I want to do a linear transformation on the vector …

c++ glm-math
how to setup the GLM library in visual studio 2012

how do i setup the GLM Library in visual studio 2012? first i tried extract the glm librar directory to my …

visual-studio settings glm-math
Convert glm::vec4 to glm::vec3

How do I convert a glm::vec4 to a glm::vec3? Only x, y, z is required- the w component …

Is glm::ortho() actually wrong?

I recently thought it would be a good idea to switch from the old (deprecated) functionality that OpenGL provides, such …

c++ opengl orthogonal glm-math
Why can't C++ find GLM headers?

I do not have permissions to put GLM into usr/local/include or usr/include but I need to use …

c++ opengl directory directory-structure glm-math