Top "Orthogonal" questions

Orthogonal refers to a line that relates to another line by a right angle.

Is glm::ortho() actually wrong?

I recently thought it would be a good idea to switch from the old (deprecated) functionality that OpenGL provides, such …

c++ opengl orthogonal glm-math
Forcing orthogonal (vertical or horizontal) edges with dot

I would like to force dot displaying only vertical or horizontal edges between nodes. I have found a similar request …

graphviz dot edges orthogonal
How to create random orthonormal matrix in python numpy

Is there a method that I can call to create a random orthonormal matrix in python? Possibly using numpy? Or …

python numpy linear-algebra orthogonal
Formula for a orthogonal projection matrix?

I've been looking around a bit and can't seem to find just what I"m looking for. I've found "canonical …

math graphics projection orthogonal
generating two orthogonal vectors that are orthogonal to a particular direction

What is the simplest and most efficient ways in numpy to generate two orthonormal vectors a and b such that …

arrays numpy vector orthogonal cross-product
Is Java orthogonal?

I am wondering if Java is orthogonal or not, and if yes, then which are its features that make it …

java theory definition orthogonal
How do I know if two vectors are near parallel

I am having some trouble finding parallel vectors because of floating point precision. How can I determine if the vectors …

vector orthogonal