I am using two image of the single object the object is roated certain degree from its first image.
I have calculated the POSE of each image and converted the rotational vector to Matrix using Rodergues(). Now how do I calculate and see how much it is rotated from its first position?
I have tried many ways but answers was no were close
EDIT: My camera is fixed only the object is moving.
We can get Euler angles from rotation matrix using following formula.
Given a 3×3 rotation matrix
The 3 Euler angles are
Here atan2 is the same arc tangent function, with quadrant checking, you typically find in C or Matlab.
Note: Care must be taken if the angle around the y-axis is exactly +/-90°. In that case all elements in the first column and last row, except the one in the lower corner, which is either 1 or -1, will be 0 (cos(1)=0). One solution would be to fix the rotation around the x-axis at 180° and compute the angle around the z-axis from: atan2(r_12, -r_22).
See also https://www.geometrictools.com/Documentation/EulerAngles.pdf, which includes implementations for six different orders of Euler angles.