Top "Matrix-inverse" questions

The matrix inverse, A^{-1}, is a mathematical relationship such that given a square n x n matrix A, A*A^{-1} = A^{-1}*A = I, where I is the identity matrix.

Inverse of matrix in R

I was wondering what is your recommended way to compute the inverse of a matrix? The ways I found seem …

r matrix-inverse
Python Inverse of a Matrix

How do I get the inverse of a matrix in python? I've implemented it myself, but it's pure python, and …

python algorithm matrix linear-algebra matrix-inverse
Simple 3x3 matrix inverse code (C++)

What's the easiest way to compute a 3x3 matrix inverse? I'm just looking for a short code snippet that'll do …

c++ math matrix matrix-inverse
Inverting a 4x4 matrix

I am looking for a sample code implementation on how to invert a 4x4 matrix. I know there is Gaussian …

c++ algorithm math matrix matrix-inverse
Java inverse matrix calculation

I'm trying to calculate the inverse matrix in Java. I'm following the adjoint method (first calculation of the adjoint matrix, …

java matrix matrix-inverse determinants
Computing the inverse of a matrix using lapack in C

I would like to be able to compute the inverse of a general NxN matrix in C/C++ using lapack. …

c lapack matrix-inverse
How to calculate the inverse key matrix in Hill Cipher algorithm?

I am finding it very hard to understand the way the inverse of the matrix is calculated in the Hill …

algorithm cryptography encryption matrix-inverse
Inverse Matrix OpenCV. Matrix.inv() not working properly

I have one problem for which I could not find any solution. I have to make some calculations with the …

c++ opencv matrix-inverse
Most efficient matrix inversion in MATLAB

When computing the inverse for some square matrix A in MATLAB, using Ai = inv(A) % should be the same as: …

matlab matrix linear-algebra matrix-inverse
Three.js: Show world coordinate axes in corner of scene

This is probably a very basic problem, but I haven't found a solution yet and it's been bugging me. I'd …

three.js coordinate-systems rotational-matrices matrix-inverse