Top "Android-sensors" questions

Android-sensors tag unites questions that are connected with different hardware sensors that are embedded into Android devices (barometer, accelerometer, magnetometer, microphone, camera and so on)

Step counter doesn't reset the step count

I am able to start and stop recording steps with the Sensor.TYPE_STEP_COUNTER by registering and unregistering the …

android counter reset android-sensors
Android: How do I call a method which is existing in other API Level?

I have application using Android 2.1 which utilize LocationManager to get the altitude. But now, I need to obtain the altitude …

android android-sensors altitude
Impossibility to change the rate of the accelerometer

I have to collect accelerometer data from my Android phone, so I have made a little program to do that. …

android accelerometer android-sensors nexus-s rate
How do I get the correct bearing (magnetic orientation) regardless of screen orientation?

I want to get the current magnetic orientation regardless of the current screen orientation (landscape or portrait). I found this …

java android android-sensors bearing digital-compass
TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR, TYPE_ORIENTATION give different results that too with deviation

I have implemented listener for both Rotation Vector and Orientation Vector though i know it's depreciated i wanted to test …

android android-sensors magnetometer rotational-matrices digital-compass
How to get a phone's azimuth with compass readings and gyroscope readings?

I wish to get my phone's current orientation by the following method: Get the initial orientation (azimuth) first via the …

android sensors android-sensors gyroscope magnetometer
Android sensor listening when app in background

Is it possible to track motion sensor events on Android continuously, even if the app is not in foreground? If …

Using the Rotation Vector Sensor

I would like to know how to properly use the output from the "Rotation Vector Sensor". Currently I came up …

java rotation orientation opengl-es-2.0 android-sensors
Android: Shake Detector too Sensitive

I'm trying to detect a shake - and i'm using the following code, it works very good, but in some …

android android-sensors
Android: How to use SensorManager.getAltitude(float p0, float p)?

I found an alternative way to obtain altitude by using SensorManager but it requires two paramaters. public static float getAltitude (…

android android-sensors altitude