Top "Dot-product" questions

In mathematics, the dot product or scalar product is an algebraic operation that takes two equal-length sequences of numbers (usually coordinate vectors) and returns a single number.

What is the pythonic way to calculate dot product?

I have two lists, one is named as A, another is named as B. Each element in A is a …

python dot-product
dot product in python

Does this Python code actually find the dot product of two vectors? import operator vector1 = (2,3,5) vector2 = (3,4,6) dotProduct = reduce( operator.add, …

python dot-product
Dot product of two vectors in tensorflow

I was wondering if there is an easy way to calculate the dot product of two vectors (i.e. 1-d …

python tensorflow dot-product
Vectorized way of calculating row-wise dot product two matrices with Scipy

I want to calculate the row-wise dot product of two matrices of the same dimension as fast as possible. This …

numpy scipy vectorization matrix-multiplication dot-product
Dot product with arrays

In class we had to write a small code using Dot Product to find the sum of two arrays(array …

java for-loop dot-product
Finding dot product in r

I am trying to find the dot product of two matrices in R. In the q matrix, which must be …

r matrix transpose dot-product
Understanding tensordot

After I learned how to use einsum, I am now trying to understand how np.tensordot works. However, I am …

python numpy linear-algebra tensor dot-product
Get dot-product of dataframe with vector, and return dataframe, in Pandas

I am unable to find the entry on the method dot() in the official documentation. However the method is there …

python pandas dataframe dot-product
dot product of two quaternion rotations

I understand that the dot (or inner) product of two quaternions is the angle between the rotations (including the axis-rotation). …

java math rotation quaternions dot-product
How is a convolution calculated on an image with three (RGB) channels?

Say we have a single channel image (5x5) A = [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 1 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 7 4 3 4 5 6 2 ] And a filter K (2x2) K = [ 1 1 1 1 ] An example of applying convolution (…

rgb matrix-multiplication convolution dot-product