Top "Maven-plugin" questions

Do not use this tag for the use of specific Maven plugins.

Jenkins java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded

I am currently working on creating a performance framework using jenkins and execute the performance test from Jenkins. I am …

java jenkins garbage-collection maven-plugin jmeter-maven-plugin
How to set context path to root("/") in Tomcat 7.0 when using Maven

I hava a maven project, pom.xml contains tomcat plugin. <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.tomcat.maven&…

java maven tomcat maven-plugin
Ignoring report generation for specific classes in cobertura maven plugin

I've been using Cobertura plugin for report generation and instrumentation (with surefire). Here is the issue I am facing: I …

maven-2 code-coverage maven-plugin instrumentation cobertura
Errors running builder 'Maven Project Builder' when trying to create new project

Can any one please help me solve this issue? Errors occurred during the build. Errors running builder 'Maven Project Builder' …

java maven maven-plugin maven-resources-plugin
Why can Maven not find my custom Mojo?

I have an own Mojo class. @Mojo(name="mojo", threadSafe=true) public class MyMojo extends AbstractMojo { @Component private MavenProject project; …

java maven maven-plugin
build-helper-maven-plugin add-test-resource error

I have this project structure: /src /main /java /resources /test /java /resources /it /java /resources test for unit tests and …

java maven integration-testing maven-plugin build-helper-maven-plugin
A zip file cannot include itself - Maven-assembly plugin

I'm building a project using maven assembly plugin. But the process fail with the following error,(Here I pasted the …

maven maven-plugin maven-assembly-plugin
maven-failsafe-plugin Failures and BUILD SUCCESS?

I want to use maven-failsafe-plugin to run some integration tests. If any test fails, I want Maven to fail the …

maven maven-plugin maven-failsafe-plugin
maven-plugin-plugin:descriptor goal fails at the and of file

While developing a maven plugin the build prints error: [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-plugin-plugin:3.3:descriptor (…

maven java-8 maven-plugin default-method
component lookup exception with org.apache.maven.repository.RepositorySystem in Maven plugin testing

I'm trying to use maven-plugin-testing-harness version 2.1 with the following test case: public class FooTest extends AbstractMojoTestCase { @Override protected void setUp() …

java maven-3 maven-plugin