Why can Maven not find my custom Mojo?

yu.pitomets picture yu.pitomets · Jan 18, 2013 · Viewed 12.2k times · Source

I have an own Mojo class.

 @Mojo(name="mojo", threadSafe=true)
 public class MyMojo extends AbstractMojo
     private MavenProject project;

     public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException

After that I install it in local repository.

 [INFO] Applying mojo extractor for language: java-annotations
 [INFO] Mojo extractor for language: java-annotations found 0 mojo descriptors.
 [INFO] Applying mojo extractor for language: java
 [INFO] Mojo extractor for language: java found 0 mojo descriptors.
 [INFO] Applying mojo extractor for language: bsh
 [INFO] Mojo extractor for language: bsh found 0 mojo descriptors.

But when try to call 'mojo' goal I got en error

   [ERROR] Could not find goal 'mojo' in plugin my.plugins:my-plugin:1.0-SNAPSHOT among available goals -> [Help 1]

what is the problem?

Here is maven-plugin-plugin configuration.


Old mechanism with javadoc annotations works well, but i want to use java annotation.


 [INFO] --- maven-plugin-plugin:3.2:descriptor (default-descriptor) @ bla-mvn-plugin 

Why default-descriptor is enabled instead of mojo-descriptor?


ZhekaKozlov picture ZhekaKozlov · Jan 23, 2013

Add this section to your plugin's POM:


PS. See maven-compiler-plugin:3.0 sources for full working example of building MOJOs with annotations