Top "Maven-failsafe-plugin" questions

The Maven Failsafe Plugin is used to run integration tests with Maven build tools.

How can I skip tests in maven install goal, while running them in maven test goal?

I have a multi-module maven project with both integration and unit tests in the same folder (src/test/java). Integration …

maven integration-testing maven-surefire-plugin maven-failsafe-plugin
Prevent unit tests but allow integration tests in Maven

I've a Maven build in which I use the SureFire plugin to run some unit tests, and the FailSafe plugin …

maven build integration-testing maven-surefire-plugin maven-failsafe-plugin
What is the difference between the Maven Surefire and Maven Failsafe plugins?

What is the difference between Maven Surefire and Maven Failsafe plugins? I have searched all over web, but did not …

maven maven-surefire-plugin maven-failsafe-plugin
Maven Failsafe plugin - SurefireBooterForkException: There was an error in the forked process (TypeNotPresentExceptionProxy)

I get this strange stacktrace when running mvn clean verify -P P1 [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.…

maven spring-boot exception maven-failsafe-plugin
Maven fail-safe not executing tests

I've combed StackOverflow and many other sites, have found many other related posts and have followed all said suggestions, but …

java maven maven-failsafe-plugin
maven-failsafe-plugin Errors and BUILD SUCCESS?

my question is very similar to this one: maven-failsafe-plugin Failures and BUILD SUCCESS? and I manage to set up failsafe …

maven maven-failsafe-plugin
Why doesn't "mvn verify" run my integration tests?

I have a multi-module project and I have failsafe defined in the root pom like this: <plugin> <…

java maven maven-failsafe-plugin
Merging Integration and Unit test reports with JaCoCo

I am generating failsafe and surefire reports with maven with the JaCoCo plugin, but I can only manage to get …

maven code-coverage jacoco maven-surefire-plugin maven-failsafe-plugin
Maven separate Unit Test and Integration Tests

UT = Unit Tests IT = Integration Tests. All my Integration test classes are annotated with @Category(IntegrationTest.class) My goal is: …

maven integration-testing maven-surefire-plugin maven-failsafe-plugin
How to run integration test of a spring-boot based application through maven-failsafe-plugin?

I have a spring-boot based application, and the pom.xml file is configured as below. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&…

java spring-boot integration-testing maven-failsafe-plugin spring-boot-maven-plugin