Top "Maven-plugin" questions

Do not use this tag for the use of specific Maven plugins.

Error in pom file in Maven project after importing into Eclipse

I am actually new to the Maven framework. I already have a Maven project. I installed the Maven plugin etc …

android maven-plugin m2eclipse android-maven-plugin
"Can not set org.eclipse.aether.spi.log.Logger" with custom maven plugin

I have written a small custom maven plugin, and it runs fine.. most of the time. When using it, it's …

java maven maven-plugin
What does "mvn -P" do?

I have been told to use mvn clean install -P base at work for a particular task. I am trying …

maven command-line maven-plugin build-automation
jar file gets corrupted while building with maven

while building a war file i am copying a set of jars from a location to a folder inside the …

java maven-plugin maven-3
Minimize an Uber Jar correctly, Using Shade-Plugin

I am using the Maven-Shade-Plugin to create a runnable Uber-jar. According to the last frame on this page, the size …

java maven maven-plugin executable-jar
String arrays as command line arguments for maven plugin

I'm writing a maven plugin that has a parameter that's a String[]. Like this: /** * @parameter expression="${args}" */ protected String[] args; …

maven-2 command-line arguments maven-plugin
How to understand Maven dependency tree

Please excuse if this a dump question but I have searched a lot and couldn't understand how to actually read …

java spring maven dependencies maven-plugin
Multiple antrun tasks in maven

How would you execute ant tasks at different phases in a maven build cycle?

maven-2 ant maven-plugin
Configuring Logging for an Embedded Tomcat from Maven plugin

I'm using the Tomcat7 Maven plugin: <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.tomcat.maven</groupId> <…

tomcat logging configuration maven-plugin
Developing Maven 3.0 Plugin

I have developed few Maven plugins for Maven 2, but I am wondering what are the main changes when I want …

maven-plugin maven-3