Top "Maven-plugin" questions

Do not use this tag for the use of specific Maven plugins.

Maven: Overview for the values of Maven properties

I would like to find out the values of all Maven properties as they apply to some Maven project. mvn …

maven-3 maven-plugin
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.sonatype.aether.version.InvalidVersionSpecificationException

I am using the maven indexer to fetch the maven index from the maven central repository. Since I updated from …

maven-3 maven-plugin aether
How to put maven project version in war file manifest?

I need to have Maven insert the version number from the POM file into the manifest located in the WAR …

java maven-2 maven maven-plugin
maven can't find archetype in my repository

I'm trying to create my own maven archetype. For now, I'm going through this tutorial [here][1] without success. I'm able …

maven maven-3 maven-plugin maven-archetype
Is there a way to deal with duplicate element definitions across multiple .xsd files in JAXB?

I have dozens and dozens .xsd files that I want to auto-generate code for. A couple of the files have …

java maven jaxb maven-plugin maven-jaxb2-plugin
Best way to auto compile compass-style SASS via maven

referring to SASS implementation for Java? : What is the best way to auto-compile stylesheets in maven goal compile …

maven sass maven-plugin compass-sass
Gradle - plugin maven-publish: How to publish only specific publication to a repository

We have two different artifacts that is going to be published to two different maven repositories. "ProjectXMergedWar" should be published …

gradle maven-plugin
Merge properties files with Maven assembly

I have a problem with maven assembly plugin. I have a maven project which use several jars. Each jar contains …

java maven maven-plugin maven-assembly-plugin
XJC Maven Plugin(jaxb2-maven-plugin) Java 11 Migration Issues

I am currently working on java 11 migration project where jaxb2-maven-plugin has been used for XJC task. As XJC executable …

java jaxb maven-plugin jaxb2-maven-plugin
tomcat7-maven-plugin tomcatManager status code:403, ReasonPhrase:Forbbiden

I am trying to do mvn clean package tomcat7:deploy but always I get this error: tomcatManager status code:403, ReasonPhrase:…

maven tomcat7 maven-plugin