Top "Maven-plugin" questions

Do not use this tag for the use of specific Maven plugins.

How to include external jars in maven jar build process?

I want to build a .jar file with dependencies in maven. Unfortunately I have to include some external .jars in …

maven jar maven-plugin maven-assembly-plugin
What is MOJO in Maven?

I'm reading about Maven right now and everywhere in a text I see this word (mojo). I approximately understand what …

java maven maven-plugin mojo abbreviation
Maven test dependency in multi module project

I use maven to build a multi module project. My module 2 depends on Module 1 src at compile scope and module 1 …

maven-2 maven-plugin
What is the use of pom.xml in Maven?

I have just started working with Maven in Eclipse. I tried running a sample program in it, and I encountered …

eclipse maven maven-plugin
Resolve maven plugin issue: ' Unable to load mojo'

I have configured all the dependencies in my pom.xml through maven. When i give the command mvn install I …

maven-2 maven dependencies maven-plugin maven-dependency-plugin
How to tag a changeset in liquibase to rollback

I have configured the maven pluggin for liquibase as specified in maven configuration. Now created a changeset like :- <…

database maven-plugin liquibase
Maven JaCoCo plugin error

I have configured the Maven JaCoCo plugin as follows in my pom.xml file: <properties> <…

xml maven maven-plugin jacoco
Selenium remoteWebDriver : connection to selenium-standalone-server fail (driver version unknown)

I received an exception after trying to setup a connection to selenium-server-standalone by using remoteWebDriver in an application test written …

selenium selenium-webdriver maven-plugin remotewebdriver
webxml attribute is required with Servlet 3.0

I get this error when trying to compile a Vaadin WAR: Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-war-plugin:2.1.1:…

maven maven-plugin vaadin vaadin7
Pass command line Params in mvn exec:exec

I am amazed that what should have been a very easy job is turning into a very annoying task for …
