Pass command line Params in mvn exec:exec

deckingraj picture deckingraj · Mar 22, 2011 · Viewed 46.9k times · Source

I am amazed that what should have been a very easy job is turning into a very annoying task for me. All i need is to pass few command line parameters to my maven exec:exec plugin. unfortunately hours of googling has not helped at all.

Here is my plugin

            <classpath />

Now from the command prompt i am typing in:

mvn exec:exec

I also tried:

mvn exec:exec

And many other things. However nothing seems to be working. I know that exec:exec runs in a separate VM but as per the documentation -Dexec.args should work for me. Can someone please suggest where i am going wrong?


codemule picture codemule · May 15, 2014

Two ways to pass command line arguments into mvn:exec:

Method 1, on the command line:

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.myPackage.myClass" -Dexec.args="command line arguments"

Method 2, in the maven POM file:

        <commandlineArgs>command line arguments</commandlineArgs>

Then on the command line all you have to do is run:

mvn exec:java

Good luck.