Top "Vaadin7" questions

Vaadin7 is the 7th version of Vaadin, an open source Web application framework for rich Internet applications.

webxml attribute is required with Servlet 3.0

I get this error when trying to compile a Vaadin WAR: Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-war-plugin:2.1.1:…

maven maven-plugin vaadin vaadin7
Vaadin - Refresh grid after row modification

I create simple grid with data from database: BeanItemContainer<Customer> container = new BeanItemContainer<>(Customer.class, customerRepository.…

java vaadin vaadin7 vaadin-grid
Vaadin - download the file / save as

I try to add button with function to download the file from external resource Button saveAsButton = new Button(); private FileDownloader …

java download vaadin7
Vaadin 7: Usage of UI vs. Navigator+Views

In Vaadin 7, a web application can have multiple entry points; the UIs. Each UI can only have a single Navigator …

vaadin vaadin7
Create Sidebar or Vertical Menu in Vaadin

How can I create a VerticalMenu or Sidebar in Vaadin? Is there any specific component or Have I do programatically …

css sass vaadin vaadin7 vaadin-valo-theme
Vaadin Grid vs Table

What is the difference between the Grid and Table components in Vaadin 7? Which should I use, and when?

java datagrid vaadin vaadin7 vaadin-grid
Spring Boot Security with Vaadin Login

I try to build an application based on Spring Boot (1.2.7.RELEASE) and Vaadin (7.6.3). My problem is that I'm not able …

java spring-boot spring-security vaadin7
Vaadin set combo box value after it has been filled

My instance of the combo box is created globally, It gets filled with, lets say a list of companies while …

java combobox vaadin vaadin7
Vaadin 7.1 + Spring-Security Integration running in Tomcat Server

Im new on vaadin and spring security, I want to know if anyone had a complete project example of the …

spring spring-security vaadin vaadin7
How to refresh a vaadin page with the refresh button

I need to refresh the page in vaadin. I created a Refresh Button but the button is not working for …

java vaadin vaadin7