Vaadin - Refresh grid after row modification

jsosnowski picture jsosnowski · Aug 6, 2015 · Viewed 23.4k times · Source

I create simple grid with data from database:

BeanItemContainer<Customer> container = new BeanItemContainer<>(Customer.class, customerRepository.findAll());
Grid grid = new Grid(container);

To edit each row the button was created:

Button edit = new Button("Edit", clickEvent -> openWindow((Customer) grid.getSelectedRows().iterator().next()));

This open new window with edit form. After all changes accepted, I must manually refresh whole page to see modification on Grid. My question is:

How refresh only Grid after modification of any row entry? And how save those modifications to database (maybe beanItemContainer could do it)?


Harald Hetzner picture Harald Hetzner · Apr 4, 2017

With Vaadin 8, the following works to refresh the grid after rows have been added or removed or the underlying data has been changed:
