Top "Vaadin7" questions

Vaadin7 is the 7th version of Vaadin, an open source Web application framework for rich Internet applications.

Minimal example of Push in Vaadin 7 app ("@Push")

I want to see the most minimal example of using the new Push technology in Vaadin 7, such as the new @…

java vaadin vaadin7 web-push
Vaadin : How to change favicon?

How can I change favicon of my pages in Vaadin ? I would like to change favicon of my pages but …

vaadin vaadin7
Vaadin - Remove Component from its parent

In the Vaadin framework (v7.1.9), how do we remove a Component from it's parent? I'm only aware of the removeComponent …

java vaadin vaadin7
Using Thread with Vaadin?

I'm trying to use Thread in my project to send emails. When I click on a Button, a Thread is …

java multithreading progress-bar jakarta-mail vaadin7
How to create different Themes on top of Valo in Vaadin?

Now vaadin 7.3 has came out and it has the very nice Valo Theme . But I don't know how to import …

vaadin vaadin7
How can I make a VerticalLayout scrollable using vaadin?

I have a Components which exists as a common layout for all my pages. The layout of this component is …

css vaadin vaadin7
How to close a Vaadin subwindow on mouseclick outside of the window?

I'm using vaadin 7 and in my application I use subwindows sometimes. In one case I have a modal window with …

window vaadin vaadin7
Vaadin: how do I use Navigator from a View?

I'm looking at Vaadin plugin in Grails at the moment and this is what I'm trying to implement: I have …

grails vaadin vaadin7
Getting a NoClassDefFoundError after installing Vaadin

I want to do a project using Vaadin and am facing some issues. Here's what I did. I downloaded Eclipse …

java eclipse vaadin vaadin7 ivyde
Vaadin 7, Atmosphere and Server Push problems

I've started to build a project using the Maven archetype for Vaadin 7.2.4 and am getting a lot of errors thrown …

jakarta-ee vaadin7 atmosphere wildfly-8