How can I make a VerticalLayout scrollable using vaadin?

russellhoff picture russellhoff · Jun 24, 2015 · Viewed 7.7k times · Source

I have a Components which exists as a common layout for all my pages. The layout of this component is as follows (made using paint so please sorry :p):


Right arrows mean that this layout is a HorizontalLayout and down arrows VerticalLayout.

I'm really interested in making bodyContent layout SCROLLABLE. Within this layout I usually introduce lots of UI components (more layouts, text fields, forms, grids...) and sometimes components aren't shown due to the lack of vertical space and the absence of vertical scroll. So is there any way to make bodyContent scrollable (using SCSS/CSS or any other way)?

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: I've solved this thanks to @JaneVi:

.v-ui > .v-widget {
   overflow: visible;


SSH picture SSH · Jun 24, 2015

Try using Panel within which you can put your bodyContent(vertical layout) using setContent() and can have scroll bars when height of your layout exceeds the panel's height.