Using Thread with Vaadin?

FernandoPaiva picture FernandoPaiva · Feb 6, 2014 · Viewed 7.9k times · Source

I'm trying to use Thread in my project to send emails. When I click on a Button, a Thread is started and a ProgressBar is displayed. As soon as all mails are sent, the ProgressBar doesn't disappear.

This is my code:

Button btnSendMail = new Button("Mail");
public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {     
    if(event.getButton() == btnSendMail){   

private void sendMail(){
     List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
     list.add("[email protected]");
     list.add("[email protected]");
     list.add("[email protected]");

     new Thread(){
         public void run(){
                 for(String send : list){
                     new SendMailClass(send); //javamail class


How can I control visibility of the ProgressBar from a separated Thread?


Andr&#233; Schild picture André Schild · Feb 6, 2014

To update UI elements from a background thread, you have to activate either push or polling.

The documentation can be found in the vaadin book.

In addition to enabling push, you also need to synchronize access to the UI elements as described in section "11.16.3. Accessing UI from Another Thread"