Vaadin: how do I use Navigator from a View?

svz picture svz · Apr 13, 2013 · Viewed 7.5k times · Source

I'm looking at Vaadin plugin in Grails at the moment and this is what I'm trying to implement:

I have an UI class and two View classes

The UI code has a navigator in it:

class MyUI extends UI {

    protected void init(VaadinRequest vaadinRequest) {
        Navigator navigator = new Navigator(this, this)

        navigator.addView(MainView.NAME, new MainView())

        navigator.addView(CountView.NAME, CountView.class)


In the MainView there is a Button and I want the user to be redirected to CountView after the button is clicked. I added the Button.ClickListener(), but I can't get hold of the Navigator instance in the View to navigate to the desired page.

I'd be grateful if you could provide me an example of this.


Henri Kerola picture Henri Kerola · Apr 13, 2013

You can say


