Top "Wildfly-8" questions

WildFly 8 is a release in a series of JBoss open-source application server offerings and an implementation of the Java Enterprise Edition 7 Platform specifications.

How to enable Cross domain requests on JAX-RS web services?

I developed a set of restful web services. I couldn't call any of these methods from remote clients due to …

cors jax-rs cross-domain java-ee-7 wildfly-8
How to change default port 8080 in WildFly

I just started JAVA EE development with WildFly 8.2. My first problem is how to change the default port 8080 to something …

jboss wildfly wildfly-8
WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 404

Am writing my first websocket program and am getting "WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 404", error while loading the webpage. I …

javascript websocket wildfly-8
jboss wildfly datasource connection failing - No managed connections available within configured blocking timeout

I have a jboss wildfly server connected to a mysql database via a datasource configured on the app server. It …

java mysql database-connection datasource wildfly-8 Could not find resource for full path with RESTEasy and Wildfly 8.1.0.Final

I am facing following problem. I have spent more than 3 days on this but cannot find a solution. Please guide …

java rest jax-rs resteasy wildfly-8
How to start WildFly as a service with standalone-full.xml?

WildFly provides a service.bat in %WILDFLY_HOME%\bin\service. Calling the batch file with the install parameter installs WildFly …

windows service wildfly-8
How to define Context Path in Wildfly?

I've used the following code to set the Context Path in tomcat where I can access my application directly using …

deployment jboss wildfly-8
JBoss WildFly: Starts but can't connect?

I just configured JBoss WildFly. It is running and it is accessible from the same machine, everything is working fine... …

jboss wildfly wildfly-8
Wildfly error: Could not start http listener

I'm new to Wildfly and I hope you guys can help me with this problem: I'm following this tutorial on …

Right way to configure the log in Wildfly 8.2

I have confusion in setting up the log in Wildfly-8.2.0. Initially I had used my own logging system, with log4…

java logging jboss wildfly wildfly-8