Top "Wildfly-8" questions

WildFly 8 is a release in a series of JBoss open-source application server offerings and an implementation of the Java Enterprise Edition 7 Platform specifications.

wildfly as systemd service

I wanna make wildfly-domain as a systemd service in centos7 in works by root user but when i start it …

java wildfly-8 systemd
WildFly 8 Logging Levels

How do I modify the WildFly 8 logging levels, specifically server.log. Currently I suspect they default to INFO and would …

wildfly wildfly-8
How to add module to Wildfly using CLI

I'm trying to create a Wildfly docker image with a postgres datasource. When I build the dockerfile it always fails …

java postgresql docker wildfly wildfly-8
Consume multiple resources in a RESTful Web Service

In my web server application I have a method, which modifies an xml document and looks similar to that: @POST @…

java xml rest jax-rs wildfly-8
WildFly - getting resource from WAR

I am using the following method to get a resource from WAR file in WildFly: this.getClass().getResource(relativePath) It …

java jboss getresource wildfly-8
Wildfly 8.2/undertow read time out

I recently migrated my project from jboss4 to wildfly 8.2 with java1.8. I have a webservice call using SAAJ which runs …

java-8 wildfly wildfly-8 saaj undertow
how to configure ssl in wildfly 8.2.0 server?

I want secure connection for my web application. So, i want to configure ssl for my wildfly 8.2.0 server. I have …

java ssl wildfly-8
Cannot change version of project facet ear to 1.3 maven error in eclipse?

I am new to maven, I have created a maven project in Eclipse on Wildfly server. Its deploying fine and …

java eclipse maven jakarta-ee wildfly-8
JBAS011048: Failed to construct component instance in picketlink-authorization-idm-jpa-with-subsystem with WildFly 8.1.0

I'm trying to deploy the sample picketlink-authorization-idm-jpa-with-subsystem, tag v2.7.0.Final ( in …

java wildfly-8 picketlink
Using the WildFly application server with NetBeans IDE

I was accustomed to using GlassFish server all the times. I'm migrating a Java EE application from GlassFish (4.0) to WildFly 8.1.0 …

java netbeans wildfly wildfly-8 netbeans-8