Top "Systemd" questions

Systemd is a system management daemon designed for Linux.

How can i use iptables on centos 7?

I installed CentOS 7 with minimal configuration (os + dev tools). I am trying to open 80 port for httpd service, but something …

networking centos iptables systemd
How to redirect output of systemd service to a file

I am trying to redirect output of a systemd service to a file but it doesn't seem to work: [Unit] …

linux centos7 systemd rhel rhel7
Fixing a systemd service 203/EXEC failure (no such file or directory)

I'm trying to set up a simple systemd timer to run a bash script every day at midnight. systemctl --user …

bash systemd
Start systemd service after specific service?

I have a general question. How does one start a systemd unit *.service after a particular *.service has started successfully? …

service systemd
How to ensure that there is a delay before a service is started in systemd?

I am having a service that depends on Cassandra coming up gracefully and the cluster being up and ready. To …

How to use a parameter in ExecStart command line?

I try to convert a SysVintit script used on Debian (and derivatives distros such as LinuxMint and Ubuntu & Co.) …

systemd sysv
Startup script with systemd in Linux

Can I do This start up service below, there are no errors showing once run, but the server script below …

linux bash startup boot systemd
Unable to start postgresql.service?

I'm using arch linux (4.8.13-1-ARCH). I'm trying to set up PostgreSQL as instructed here. After performing [postgres@BitBox ~]$ initdb …

postgresql archlinux systemd
Systemd with multiple execStart

i Would know if it's possible to create service with the same script started with different input parameters. Such as: […

linux service server systemd
Python daemon and systemd service

I have a simple Python script working as a daemon. I am trying to create systemd script to be able …

python python-daemon systemd