Top "Wildfly-8" questions

WildFly 8 is a release in a series of JBoss open-source application server offerings and an implementation of the Java Enterprise Edition 7 Platform specifications.

Hot deployment location in Wildfly 8 AS

In JBoss 6 AS, the hot deployment location is ${JBOSS_HOME}/server/default/deploy where I can unpack WAR or EAR …

java maven wildfly-8 hotdeploy
Caused by: org.dom4j.DocumentException: org.dom4j.DocumentFactory cannot be cast to org.dom4j.DocumentFactory

I've a gradle project which uses hibernate > 4 . If I run my war file in Apache tomcat, I don't get …

deployment jboss war wildfly-8 dom4j
Wildfly increasing threads number

I have a Wildfly-8.0.0.Final server running in standalone mode on a Windows machine. To configure the JVM memory allocation …

java multithreading configuration wildfly wildfly-8
How can i run wildfly 8 in port 80

How can i run wildfly 8.2.1 in port 80? I can run wildfly in different ports by changing the offset as below. &…

wildfly wildfly-8
WSDL based webservices on Wildfly

I am trying to create a simple WSDL based webservice to be deployed on Wildfly using Apache CXF. I tried …

web-services jakarta-ee wsdl wildfly-8 jbossws
Keycloak Unknown authentication mechanism

I need help with using keycloak in an Errai app. I am getting an error about "unknown authentication method" for "…

wildfly-8 errai keycloak
enabling auto scanning using resteasy 3.0.10 with wildfly 8.2

I am trying to figure out what is my problem while setting up new Wildfly 8.2 server with simple restEasy 3.0.10 application. …

java maven jax-rs resteasy wildfly-8
Wildfly fails to deploy application (FileNotFoundException - Access is Denied)

Wildfly 8.2.0.Final JDK 8 Update 60 Eclipse Mars Update 1 JBoss Tools 4.3.0.Final Windows 10 Recently I upgraded the following things: from Windows 7 to …

java eclipse wildfly wildfly-8 jboss-tools
How to access CXF jars from Wildfly (Jboss) for ws endpoints

I've tried to deploy my war file in Wildfly 8.2. My application uses org.apache.cxf for web service. But Wildfly (…

web-services deployment jboss cxf wildfly-8
Vaadin 7, Atmosphere and Server Push problems

I've started to build a project using the Maven archetype for Vaadin 7.2.4 and am getting a lot of errors thrown …

jakarta-ee vaadin7 atmosphere wildfly-8