Top "Jbossws" questions

JBossWS features include many specifications / standards implementations as well as additional features, options, tools to improve ease of use, endpoint management and monitoring, etc.

java.util.List is an interface, and JAXB can't handle interfaces

I seemed to get the following exception when trying to deploy my application: Caused by: com.sun.xml.bind.v2.…

java web-services jakarta-ee jaxb jbossws
IllegalAnnotationException: Two classes have the same XML type name

I am developing web service under JBoss 5 and Java 1.6. What could possibly cause this exception? Below is my simplified web …

java jboss jaxb jbossws
How to get SOAP fault's faultcode when handling custom fault exception

Our system consumes SOAP Web Service, using JAX-WS client stubs generated based on service's WSDL. In case of error server …

java soap jax-ws soapfault jbossws
Use native Java SE 6 JAX-WS implementation instead of JBoss WS stack

JBoss 6.0 Final is shipped with JBoss WS (Apache CXF stack by default), I know that I can replace the default …

java jax-ws jboss6.x classloader jbossws
NPE in JBossWS on JBoss 4.2.2 with jmxremote enabled

I am trying to set up JBoss 4.2.2 and JConsole for remote monitoring. As per many of the how-to's I have …

java jboss jmx jconsole jbossws
Class cast exception when invoking a web service in Jboss 4.2.3 GA

We have created a web service in Netbeans 7.1 which is running fine on glassfish 3.1.1. Now I have to move my …

jboss jax-ws jdk1.6 jboss-4.2.x jbossws
SOAP Object Serialization in Java

I am using JBoss AS 7.1.1 and JAX-WS 2.0. In my application, I need to pass a Map<String, Map<…

java soap jax-ws jboss7.x jbossws
WSDL based webservices on Wildfly

I am trying to create a simple WSDL based webservice to be deployed on Wildfly using Apache CXF. I tried …

web-services jakarta-ee wsdl wildfly-8 jbossws
"org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Premature end of file." while parsing schema

I'm writing a webservice client running on Linux JBoss 5.0.1 / JBossWS Native 3.1.1 which is calling a service running on a Windows …

web-services jboss jax-ws java-metro-framework jbossws