Top "Jboss-4.2.x" questions

Version 4.2.x of the JBoss Application Server.

JBoss: WAR file in EAR can't find JAR library on classpath

I am having a problem deploying an ear with bundled wars, jars, and configuration files (.properties files) on JBoss 4.3-eap. …

java deployment classpath jboss-4.2.x Address already in use: JVM_Bind: 8080

I am getting the BindException while starting the jboss Address already in use: 8080 I have installed oracle 10…

jboss jboss-4.2.x
How to make a4j:commandLink execute action and show modalpanel?

Jsf 1.2, Richfaces 3.3.3, I got the following code working to show a richfaces:modalpanel: <ui:repeat id="albums" var="listvalue" …

jsf richfaces jsf-1.2 jboss-4.2.x richfaces-modal
Target runtime JBoss v4.2 is not defined

I have imported a project and got the error "Target runtime JBoss v4.2 is not defined". I have added the …

eclipse-juno jboss-4.2.x
How to forward from a JAX-RS service to JSP?

JBoss Version: 4.2.3GA. This works in apache tomcat 6.0. In JBoss, I had to add the following setting: -Dorg.apache.catalina.…

jsp http jakarta-ee jax-rs jboss-4.2.x
setProperty must be overridden by all subclasses of SOAPMessage error using JBoss 4.2.2GA

I was trying to implement web services using the jboss. I had written server side files and tried to generate …

eclipse web-services jboss jboss-4.2.x
How to limit the number of MDB instances listening to a Jboss JMS queue

I'm having a problem with the following setup: A Java application send email msg to a JMS queue, then an …

jboss jms ejb-3.0 message-driven-bean jboss-4.2.x
JBOSS deployment having HibernateException on oracle major version 11

Trying to deploy application ear file with following settings in JBoss-4.2.3.GA jboss-app.xml <jboss-app> <loader-repository> …

java oracle hibernate jboss-4.2.x dialect
Class cast exception when invoking a web service in Jboss 4.2.3 GA

We have created a web service in Netbeans 7.1 which is running fine on glassfish 3.1.1. Now I have to move my …

jboss jax-ws jdk1.6 jboss-4.2.x jbossws
How to change port no of the jboss 4.2 server

I have to different eclipse ide and jboss server.I need to start both the server at a time but …

eclipse-indigo jboss-4.2.x