Top "Dialect" questions

A dialect of a programming language is a variation or extension of the language that does not change its intrinsic nature.

Why do I need to configure the SQL dialect of a data source?

When we configure a data source using Hibernate, we should add the hibernate.dialect property (or if you …

hibernate configuration eclipselink persistence.xml dialect
What are the major differences between the mysql and oracle sql dialects?

I am a software developer. I have used mysql for years and now I am about to have my first …

mysql sql oracle dialect
Dialect not getting set in hibernate

I am using Hibernate 3 and MySQL5.5. I am a newbie to hibernate and I am getting the below Exception Exception …

hibernate dialect
Which dialect of Lisp should I learn?

I know there are a few different dialects of Lisp. Having decided that learning Lisp would be a new intellectual …

lisp dialect
Thymeleaf layout dialect and th:replace in head causes title to be blank

I'm following this tutorial: (got to Thymeleaf Layout Dialect section). In there you …

layout thymeleaf dialect
setFirstResult and setMaxResults doesnt work as expected

I have a problem with paging in my application. I wanna use setFirstResult and setMaxResults methods, but it gave me …

java hibernate sqlite dialect
NHibernate: How to solve this "dialect" configuration issue

Problem Encountered At runtime, I always get the following NHibernate.MappingException: "Could not compile the mapping document: GI.InventoryManager.CYB.…

.net nhibernate dialect nhibernate-configuration
Connection cannot be null hibernate exception

I'm a newbie to hibernate . I get this exception "Connection cannot be null when hibernate.dialect is not set" when …

hibernate exception dialect
How to get Hibernate dialect during runtime

In my application, I use Hibernate with SQL Server database, so I set <property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.…

java hibernate persistence.xml dialect
JBOSS deployment having HibernateException on oracle major version 11

Trying to deploy application ear file with following settings in JBoss-4.2.3.GA jboss-app.xml <jboss-app> <loader-repository> …

java oracle hibernate jboss-4.2.x dialect