Top "Dialect" questions

A dialect of a programming language is a variation or extension of the language that does not change its intrinsic nature.

Registering a SQL function with JPA and Hibernate

I would like to know what's the best way to register a custom SQL function with JPA/Hibernate. Do I …

java spring hibernate sql-function dialect
Spring boot how to exclude certain class from testing

I have implemented own class for representing of database vector data based on UserType class. My example: class MyVectorType implements …

spring spring-boot h2 dialect usertype
Derby dialect for hibernate

As per this link there is no support mentioned for derby dialect for 4.2 hibernate. Is Apache Derby not supported by …

apache hibernate dialect
SQLite - No Dialect mapping for JDBC type: 0 (Hibernate)

I have a SQLite Datatable with string value as id and a BLOB value for a picture. I want to …

java hibernate sqlite exception dialect
Hibernate mysql innodb

I wanted to force hibernate to use innodb. So, i changed the "hibernate.dialect" in order to have innodb, but …

java mysql hibernate orm dialect
optimise Hibernate Sequence ID generation

I'm facing some performance issues while trying to connect Hibernate with SAP HANA In-Memory database, which has no support for …

sql hibernate sequence auto-increment dialect