Top "Soapfault" questions

The SOAP Fault element is defined as part of the W3C SOAP specification.

How to throw a custom fault on a JAX-WS web service?

How do you throw a custom soap fault on a JAX-WS web service? How can I specify the faultCode, faultString …

java web-services exception jax-ws soapfault
SOAP faults or results object?

I was having a discussion about this with a co-worker and we couldn't come to an agreement, so I wanted …

web-services exception-handling soapfault
How to get SOAP fault's faultcode when handling custom fault exception

Our system consumes SOAP Web Service, using JAX-WS client stubs generated based on service's WSDL. In case of error server …

java soap jax-ws soapfault jbossws
Catching the SOAP Fault error in custom interceptor (Soap12FaultOutInterceptor)

I wrote a custom CXF interceptor to log all the SOAP request and responses into the database and it seems …

java soap cxf interceptor soapfault
Php SoapClient verify_peer=>true fails with ca-signed certificate

When doing a soap request to a https soap server using php:s SoapClient fails with a SoapFault: faultstring: Could …

php ssl soap-client soapfault
Apache Axis WSDL2Java error - Missing <soap:fault> element

We are integrating a third party SOAP web services in our application. The WSDL is used with SOAPUI tool, where …

wsdl2java soapfault
Catching webservice exception with CXF: NoClassDefFoundError: SOAPFaultBuilder

I've been using Apache CXF wsdl2java generated code to call methods from a webservice for some time now, which …

java cxf soapfault
How to set a faultCode in a SOAPFault?

Why can I set a faulString, but can't I set a custom fault code in a SOAPFault? When I throw …

java soap soapfault
Java - How to show Soap Fault

I have this kind of response when having a Soap Fault calling a Java Web Service <soap:Envelope xmlns:…

java web-services netbeans jax-ws soapfault
Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [HTTP] Error Fetching http headers

I'm trying to output "Hello World" using XML but I'm getting the following exception in my php page: Fatal error: …

xml fatal-error php soapfault