Top "Soapfault" questions

The SOAP Fault element is defined as part of the W3C SOAP specification.

Please Help: PHP Fatal error: looks like we got no XML document

I'm getting crazy with this error I've tried all issues in forums nothing works I'm getting disappointed. Help Please with …

php xml soap soapfault
How to Return Errors from an ASMX Web Service?

My web service method returns a collection object, this will serialize nicely, thanks to the way C# web services work! …

c# web-services asmx soapfault
WCF Web Service, Java Web Client, MustUnderstand headers not understood?

I'm hosting a WCF Web Service with the following WSDL (a simple service using wsHttpBinding and SSL for transport security): &…

wcf jax-ws axis2 soapfault
NoClassDefFoundError for

Our web service client in live environment recently got the exception: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.sun.…

java web-services soap jar soapfault
resolve SoapFault exception: [HTTP] Unable to parse URL

I work on a projet which use a Soap based webservice queried by PHP and 2 native smartphone apps (ios and …

soap php webservice-client soapfault
Spring Integration inbound webservices wsdl generation

I am trying to evaluate Spring Integration specially interested in exposing a simple POJO based service into a SOAP based …

web-services spring-integration soapfault inbound
Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [Client] SOAP-ERROR: Encoding: object hasn't 'source' property in

I am trying to connect osticket support system with opencart. I tried to integrate with this SOAP <?php error_…

php soap soapfault
Handling Fault Responses from Spring's WebServiceTemplate.marshalSendAndReceive

I'm working with Spring's WebServiceTemplate.marshalSendAndReceive(Object, WebServiceMessageCallback) method and I'm having great difficulty understanding how to handle errors properly. …

java spring soapfault webservicetemplate
How do I return a (custom) SOAPFault from an Axis web service?

I have some WSDL from which I need to generate a web service implementation. I'm using Eclipse, and Axis1.4, and …

java weblogic axis weblogic9.x soapfault
android soapfault error

I am a begginer in android,here I have activity that use web service: SoapObject request = new SoapObject(NAMESPACE, METHOD_…

android ksoap2 soapfault