Top "Weblogic9.x" questions

The 9.x (November 2006) release of WebLogic Server, a Java EE application server suite from Oracle.

java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl while starting the weblogic

As part of our application we are using apache's xerces jaxp parser. When we deploy the application on weblogic 9.2, we …

weblogic cxf classcastexception weblogic9.x
Where translated servlet of jsp got stored

As we know, when the jsp got complied it will get converted to servet. I have installed weblogic server 9.2, and …

java jsp weblogic weblogic9.x
how to prevent the stdout.out in weblogic to increasing the size heavily (Windows)

I have deployed a system integrated with weblogic, but until now I faced a problem is the weblogic increasing the …

weblogic weblogic-10.x weblogic11g weblogic12c weblogic9.x
HTTP caching headers settings weblogic

Does anyone know how to modify weblogic settings to set the HTTP cache header to a far future date? For …

weblogic weblogic9.x
Server subsystem failed. Reason: java.lang.NullPointerException

I'm using Weblogic I have deleted the contents of /wls_domains/mydomain/servers/admin_mydomain/data/store/default & diagnostics, …

weblogic weblogic-10.x weblogic11g weblogic12c weblogic9.x
How do I return a (custom) SOAPFault from an Axis web service?

I have some WSDL from which I need to generate a web service implementation. I'm using Eclipse, and Axis1.4, and …

java weblogic axis weblogic9.x soapfault