Top "Inbound" questions

How to implement inbound email on Amazon AWS?

I'm relatively new to AWS, but I am trying to figure out how to get AWS to receive emails. According …

amazon-web-services email inbound
ESB MULE passing the parameters to the java method

I use MULE version 3.3.0 CE, I want to get some value from header in inbound and then pass it to …

mule invoke payload inbound
Spring integration Java - how to use @InboundChannelAdapter to check a directory for files?

How can i get @InboundChannelAdapter to work with files? something like this: <int-file:inbound-channel-adapter id="executionMessageFileInputChannel" directory="file:${fpml.…

java spring spring-integration dsl inbound
Spring Integration inbound webservices wsdl generation

I am trying to evaluate Spring Integration specially interested in exposing a simple POJO based service into a SOAP based …

web-services spring-integration soapfault inbound